Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Am feeling pretty excited! In another 9 hours, I will be reporting at Temasek Polytechnic and receiving my Diploma. Woot! How very exciting. It's going to be a frenzy of photo-taking, bear-hugging, more photo-taking and catching up with friends I haven't met since June. It's finally here. Graduation Ceremony. So significant. So symbolic. I can't say I'm a student in Temasek Polytechnic no more. It's sad. But as I walk up the steps of the stage at the Temasek Convention Centre, I will be recalling all the great times I had there, all the "not-so-great" times I experienced there, the people I've met and got to know better, people who I wish I never met but did, and of course, most importantly, the great bunch of people I got to know and love. As much as I'm glad that I will not have anything to do with some of you any longer, I hope it will not be the end of the road for some of us. I want to attend some of your weddings, I want to be your kids' god-mother, I want to still be able to laugh and crap with some of you 10, 20, 30 years down the road, all wrinkled and hard-of-hearing and "bo-gey". These people, I'm sure you know who you are. If you're not sure, then you're not one of them. Hah. Nonetheless, tomorrow's ceremony will be a beautiful close to the chapter we once shared and I wish all graduands of 2004 a smooth path ahead!

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