Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Birthday Post

Not. Checked my gmail and realised Mr Aloysius Low has left a comment in the "3 Random Facts" post and kindly informed me that I've been tagged to do this stupid shit 7 facts shit thingamajit. WTH. What a joy-ride this birthday has been so far, 13 hours into my 21st year as a human being, I experienced my first bus breakdown. *pats self on back* Wonderful. Was on a Express 518 and shortly after we turned into the Bedok Reservoir road place, the bus sounded like it was wheezing and gasping. Like you know it was breathing its last. It kept going on like that, until the driver stopped the bus and went down to check. But he came back and told us, "the aircon not working, is it ok with you all?". So we were all like, "yeah whatever, we just want to get to our destinations please." He restarted the engine and after multiple tries, the bus finally got moving. I think the driver was worried that the bus will decide to choke and die on the PIE, so he drove at breakneck speed. Bumps, humps and all. I never knew PIE was so bumpy. The bumps seemed to be multiplied 10 times when you're on the bus. It was hilarious 'cos I was just bouncing on the seat like some doll on a spring thing. Ok, we made it to the stop behind TTSH, in one piece, but then the bus decided that, "oh wells, I think this will be my last stop." And so, Karen and I were stranded at the bus stop, watching the bus smoke away while I was cursing and swearing inside, "god, why does everything happen to me!?" If it's any good, we got a complimentary ride. Bah. Thanks SBS. I got birthday present from SBS leh, you all got or not. *rolls eyes* When we finally reached Orchard, we walked around, wandered around, sat around and just waited. And waited. And waited. Until Jesse arrived and sent us all to O Bar, which by then, was already packed to the brim. tmd. I passed the midnight stroke in Jesse's car. With birthday sms-es coming in. *Thank you, all you well-wishers. I love you people!* Yah, so as you can see by now, we didn't make it to O Bar. So we went to Aphrodisiac. Don't know how to spell. We had the whole bar to ourselves! Wheeeee! The guy who took the photo for us very cute!!! *grin* And he's just about the only cute guy we saw the whole night. How pathetic. And not forgetting the psychotic BMW driver who kept looking and pointing at us. Grr. Psychos, GO AWAY! He stalked us ok!! Freaked the hell out of me. Argh. I very lazy to write out the story liao. Very sian. So to keep the long story short, it has been quite a happening first 13 hours of my 21st year as a human being. It was only a few of us, but it's good enough for me. Thanks guys! *smacks* The photos.. The bus that broke down.. Sians. Complimentary ride! My birthday present from SBS Transit. My bootiful grey contacts. Hwahwahahahaha. We're just so sian that the kuku bus broke down. Our final destination. Aphrodisiac. Wheeee. And then it was prata with Shen. That poor thing lost his handphone! Aiyoyo. Must be more careful next time alright! Thanks for the prata treat anyways. After filling our tummies, Jesse sent us home! At 4am in the morning. Oh god. But it was a good party. I like. *Grin.*

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