Friday, September 17, 2004

I finally watched Singapore Idol today! Wahahahaha! I haven't watched any episodes of it since the "Lemon Tree" auditions alright! Ha ha. They always seem to show it on days when I have classes. Dumb. And what's this about choosing 2 more when they were only supposed to choose 1? I thought they made it clear that there was "only the top number of votes and no second and third"? Argh. It's always like this when the producers of the show want people who didn't get chosen to continue in the game. Just like a certain competition I was in. Right. Nevertheless, I'm rather happy with this episode's result! Ho ho! That Sylvester Sim person got in! Ha ha. Some of them really cannot make it la. :X Hopefully I'll be at home the following Thursdays to watch the rest of Singapore Idol! Ha ha. Oh ya! I was watching The Apprentice just now and it suddenly occurred to me that Donald Trump shares an UNCANNY RESEMBLANCE to Days of Our Lives star, Mr John Black! That "pout", the way they talk, the way they raise one eyebrow and the expression in their eyes. Wahahahaha. And I only realised today that Mr Trump has a sense of humour. He was at a work site and there was a big wind blowing and he said that he was glad! Why? Because now people will know that his hair is real! He's not wearing a wig! Haha! I thought that was really funny. I suddenly hate going for classes. I don't know why. There's just some people I don't seem to want to see that often anymore. Bah. You know, that certain kind of people who just pisses you off when they open their mouth to speak. But well, I suppose since there's a high possibility of us being a project group, I'd better keep my mouth shut and avoid getting into arguments with them. It's stupid arguing with a stupid person. So just f*** off, bugger! I don't want to talk to you!

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