Saturday, April 02, 2005

Wake up your idea!

I'm in a fark-irritated bad mood right now. I want you to read every single line of this entry. It's dedicated to you. Your non-stop and long-linked sms-es are driving me nuts. You're not hurting me you know? I'm not hurt. Yes, I said we can still be friends. But I also said I'll contact you when I'm ready. But no, you couldn't just leave me alone for awhile. For even just 1 month. So this is what you get when you irritate me. In fact, I didn't even bother to read all those long sms-es you've sent me for the past 2 days. Let alone reply. Come on. And for the record, I've deleted your number from my handphone. A long time ago. You think I'm hurt? No, I'm not hurt. You asked for this. You're the one who's going to be hurt. I'm just fuck-irritated by you. Can you just wake up your idea that I just want NOTHING to do with you? Absolutely nothing. I mean. Why are you so persistent? Bent on irritating me? I'm irritated now. You just don't get it, don't you. Keep sms-ing like it's free. I mean, come on, I'm already not replying you! So why can't you just get the idea!? Imagine my joy when you said you'll leave me alone for 2 years! OMG. I felt so liberated. You've been like a splinter in my skin these past 2 months. Something that I can't get rid off. So many people have asked me to just tell you straight in your face to just fuck off and leave me alone. But I told them that it's just not nice of me to do that and I figured you'll just get the idea and stop sms-ing me. But no, your sms-es just kept coming and coming. Honestly, everytime I see your sms-es I just roll my eyes and get irritated and then just delete it when it's finished "updating". So if you dare sms me after you see this entry and ask me who is it that made me so fuck-irritated, then let me tell you. The person is you. So, bugger off, buzz off, f* off, whatever-off. Just leave me alone. And no, I will not help you look through your resume. I hope you get my idea. All you'll get from me is a cold hard wall. Nothing else. Not a pinch of guilt nor concern. I don't give a damn about how hurt you're going to be after you read this. You want to know why? Because you asked for it. So stop throwing yourself at a cold hard wall. Get a life.

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