Wednesday, April 06, 2005

How now?

Do you ever stop yourself from telling the truth for fear that things might change? Do you ever think that if telling the truth will spoil whatever you have now, you would rather remain status quo? Or do you ever think that telling the truth will hurt another? Or worse, being told the truth will bring hurt to yourself? Are you protecting yourself? Or protecting another? Sometimes you don't tell the truth so that things, or relationships can remain the same. Sometimes you don't want the truth so that you don't get hurt. But then, what happens when the truth is out? And in fact, things have already changed? Then what do you do? Pretend nothing happened? Carry on as usual? Take a step forward? Or backward? I'm glad I haven't told the whole truth. If this is the way it has to end. Or am I sorry that I haven't told the whole truth? All I know is the walls around me have grown higher and stronger. It's going to be twice as hard to break them down now. Are you willing to make the effort? Or are you just going to let them grow higher and stronger? It's your call now.

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