Saturday, October 30, 2004

Still stuck

Sigh~ I thought I've moved on. But apparently I haven't. I'm still stuck at the same place. How ah? I'm moving, but not ahead. I'm still at the same spot. Like running on a treadmill. Moving. Yet still on the same spot. Get what I mean? I hate feeling like this. In a month. I promised myself. I will tell all. A friend just said, "All guys are idiots." Ok, so to a certain extent, that's true. Then what makes us? I mean, girls who like guys!? Even more idiotic, no? Because we like guys, who are idiots? Yes? Makes sense right!? Another friend say, "Nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai." Loosely translated it means, girls like bad guys. o_O Sad, but true. Then again, girls like good guys too! Or maybe it's just me? I must be crazy. Liking a guy like him. Always busy. Always "long day tomorrow." Argh. What did I get myself into. Never mind. Motivation: One month later, it'll all be over. One more month, that's it. Or maybe even sooner, if he suddenly has good news to tell me. Meanwhile, it's back to the treadmill. Jog jog jog jog jog.

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