Thursday, October 14, 2004


I was reading through my Doodleboard archives when I came upon this particular tag by this person "net". I still don't like her tone. Or maybe his tone. But I think I have an idea of who it is. You might think I must be a very "spiteful" person, digging up a tag which was posted so long ago about a post/issue that happened long ago. The issue has been settled anyway. Both parties cherished this friendship too much to let it be ruined because of a boyfriend. But still. When I read the tag, especially the part where she said (I'm pretty sure it's a she)"... only know how to criticise people, on and on you go, never thinking it through." And that she thinks I should be disgusted with myself, presumably for "shooting my big fat mouth off about my friend". I wonder what makes her think I have a big fat mouth? She probably is blind because obviously you can tell I do not have a big fat mouth from the photos that I post up regularly on my blog. What makes her think I didn't think it through? Does she think I'm stupid? Writing such an honest entry and expecting my friend to not react to it? Of course I thought through it, stranger. I figured since the issue is already out in the open, why should I hide my feelings? I'm sure it's a she and someone I know ( I wished I did'nt know her) because why else can she assume that my ".. friend dun need .. so called save some friendship". If she doesn't know me, then why would she have such a big reaction? And how can she assume that I only criticise people? What about times/entries/posts when I praise people or am grateful for my friends, appreciate them, why don't I see her tagging that I'm such a nice friend and I appreciate my friends and I love them? And I wasn't criticising in that entry, I was voicing out our opinions. So was I wrong in voicing out my unhappiness and grievances? She voiced out her opinions, although rather subjective as I suppose she has a personal "grudge" with me. Besides, it was because of that entry that we made up. Friends must be completely honest. The truth might hurt and perhaps I was too blatant with my words, but I just wanted to make my opinions known. So to you "net", so brave to tag, yet too cowardy to use your real name, this is my blog, my world, my right in voicing out my opinions, your right to oppose, but as I said, personal attacks are not welcomed. And don't argue that you didn't personal attack me, because the phrase "big fat mouth" ain't very nice. Oh ya, why should I be disgusted with myself, as I should be, with you? For not listening to both sides of the story, for not having the guts to say your name (at least I'm honest in voicing out my opinions, while you don't even have the guts to say your real name), for making a personal attack, for coming to MY blog and blatantly accusing me of criticising my friend when I am not. I would tell you, you should be disgusted with yourself. Don't tell me what to do. This is my blog and I jolly well have all the rights to say what I want. At least I'm not bitching about her behind her back, as you most probably did, behind mine. I'm right out in the open. I'm honest. I say what I feel. And I make constructive comments. You can't stand honesty? Well, I can. I'd rather people be honest with me, rather than bitching around behind my back. At least she knows I treasure her as a friend and am honest. I have absolutely nothing to hide. What do you have? Probably friends who are not honest with their opinions because they're afraid that you would not be able to accept their opinions. And probably your own pitiful self who can't bear to say the truth and honest opinions about your own friends. I'm truthful and honest about my opinions but I make constructive comments and in the process, understand my friends better as they do with me. As a result, our friendship is stronger, more lasting and honest. Our arguments or disputes will only serve to make the friendship stronger. But unlike you, who'd probably bear a grudge to people who make honest comments about yourself, will probably lose that friendship and stick to "friends" who suck up to you. You'll never find your true self and be completely honest with yourself. I know you're still reading my blog. I have a request. No. A plea. Get out of my life. Go read somebody else's blogs. Read some superficial, "nice-nice", kawaii blogs that'll probably make you a nicer person. Ok, fine, if you want to read, I probably can't stop you. But please. Make yourself invisible. Unknown. Unseen. Read? I don't need your comments to tell me how to treat my friends. I treat them well enough to make them want to still be friends with me. And I have flaws that they accept e.g. my incessant criticism. So. Save the comments. Use it on yourself. Get out of here. You're not welcomed. Neither are your comments. But a word of thanks to you, for you made me realise that there are people who support of such honest entries and that my friend-in-mention is still very much my friend. SO JUST F*** OFF! My first F-word in weeks. Not nice, but necessary.

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