Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A - Z

A is for age: 21 and one month B is for booze of choice: if i really have to, lychee martineeeeeee. C is for career: student now, businesswoman when i graduate! muahahaha. D is for your dad's name: KL. Initials can alrdy la. E is for essential items to bring to a party: cash, card, hp, gloss, blotters F is for favourite song at the moment: Full House OST G is for favourite game: Halli Galli? LOL. H is for home town: Shing-ga-Pore. I is for instruments you play(ed): erm, piano, recorder and this other instrument i used to play in primary school for choir. J is for jam or jelly you like: staw-belli jam prease. K is for kids: 2? at least a girl! wheee! L is for living arrangements: now? my parents' house. heh. M is for mom's name: Helen N is for name of your crush: even if have also don't tell you. Ha. O is for overnight hospital stays: probably when I was a new-born eh? P is for phobias: dark, heights, cockroaches, lizards, where do i even start. Q is for quotes you like: erm. ha, no particular favourites. R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 1 yr 2 months S is for sexual preference: i'm straight. a guy please. T is for time you wake up: after 12pm unless there's work or things to be done. U is for underwear: boyshorts. V is for vegetables you love: er. BEANSPROUTS! W is for weekend plans: dinner with my parents, hang out with friends! X is for x-rays you've had: 2 i think, one for TB (long time ago) and one for poly registration Y is for yummy food you make: hahahaha. does instant noodles count? Z is for zodiac sign: V-I-R-G-O! Yeah!!!

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