Saturday, May 21, 2005

If the truth hurt, would you still want to know it? If telling the truth changes everything, would you still tell it? If lying will hurt one less person, will you do it? Who decides whether to tell the truth or to lie? If lying will hurt one less person, I will choose to lie. Even though it would mean that I have to bear the burden of that one person's hurt. Things aren't always what it seems. The surface of the sea appears calm, but little do they know of the turbulence brewing deep below the surface. Would you want to know the truth if it was to hurt you? Or would you rather be lied to? Tough choice? Very. But can you live with the regret of never finding out the truth? Or would you be willing to put up with the hurt that comes with the truth? After all, time heals all pain, doesn't it? Or does it just make it lesser, but in actual fact, all that has changed was you simply got used to the pain. I wish you knew the truth. I really do. But I hope the truth doesn't hurt me.

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