Friday, July 01, 2005

The Personality System

Logical Thinker/Analytical/Objective One Individuals who are Logical Thinkers exhibit a practical, proper and discrete nature. They are self-evaluating and may be critical of both themselves and others, though they seldom voice it, being quiet and reserved. As criticsm is their greatest fear, they are constantly striving for perfection. Logical Thinkers internalize information, analyzing issues over an dover again. At times they may appear cool and blunt due to their constant analyzing, but by becoming a little more sensitive and adaptable, Logical Thinkers can be seen as more perceptive to the feelings of others. They make decisions slowly based on facts and logic, not emotion, asking "how" and "why" questions. In the eyes of a Logical Thinker, neatness equates with high quality and anything less is unacceptable. They like to plan and organize every area of their life. A stable environment is best for Logical Thinkers as they prefer to be slow and deliberate in their changes, not spontaneous. They require guidelines in their task-oriented work style. Logical Thinkers hold to high standards and constantly strive to meet them. 2 years ago, when I did this same test, I was an "I" personality. It's weird, but I guess people change over the years. Now I'm a "C" personality. Careful and cautious. A pure "C".

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