Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Got tagged by Eileen to do this. Heh. Here's the game. Introduce 5 quirks or idiosyncrasies of yours on your blog, following which you are free to pick up five more people to do the same thing. Ok I looked up the word idiosyncrasies on, Idiosyncrasies A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug. And I think my england not very powderful, which is why I don't understand a word. So I shall just name my quirks then. 1. When I'm angry I don't lash out at people, I just keep quiet, really quiet. I can NOT talk for the whole day if I'm pissed off or angry or unhappy about something. 2. I can sleep sitting on the toilet seat in my toilet. 3. I need to mash up the whipped potato at KFC before I can eat it. Like mix it till it turns into like baby-food. Yummy. 4. I pick out pickles out of burgers and onions out of onion rings and corns, peas and carrots out of fried rice. Yes, even if I have to do it one by one. 5. I like to buy stationery, pens, markers, staplers, coloured paper, notebooks. Yeah. I'll go crazy if you unleash me in a book store. I LOVE STATIONERY! GIMME ALL! Ok, I shan't pass this game to anyone because I've already done that with the Se7en thing and the 3 Random Facts thing. Yeah. I'm a good person. *Cough*


callandor said...

Yes you are.


selena said...

Hahahahahahah! Relieved right!? That I never passed the thing to ANYONE. Muahahahahha. Where my supre photos? Huh huh huh? before the sale ends!!!!!