Monday, May 23, 2005

Ok, that's me, Melvin (aka Mr Tan) and his friend, Ivy. Posted by Hello She says we look like 3 eggs tiled on top of one another. The Skirt. Posted by Hello And this, is the skirt I want to buy. From urm, This Fashion. Wahahaha. Yes, no qualms about admitting that I shop there. Why not? I've been looking for skirts like this, and it's pretty pricey getting them from those shops out to "chop" people. So yes, I've resorted to going to good ol' This Fashion to hunt for them. And the best thing is, it's so damn cheap. I like. My sweet little cousin! Posted by Hello And this cute little boy-boy is my cousin's son! So technically, he's not my cousin. He's my cousin's son. But I don't know how do you say that in English. And I think they don't have different names for them in English, do they? My mum keeps reminding me that I'm the youngest of my cousins (ALL my cousins are MARRIED, with KIDS.) and the ONLY one left unmarried. Alright. I'm not even attached. Urm. Oh wells, I guess it's going to be a long wait till you hear my wedding bells ring. Wahahahaha. Looking out of the window Posted by Hello
I went for a job interview. Like the second one this week. All the way to Marsiling. For some creative writer/ copy editor/ fact checker position. Hahahaha. No, I haven't forgotten I live just about at the opposite end of the island.
Believe me. I can barely forget that fact. But I suppose we could work out a "work-from-home" schedule that does not require me to go to the office every morning.
Oh wells, that's if I actually get HIRED. Bah.
And the office is actually a HDB apartment convert into an office. It's SO DAMN NICE. From the balcony, you can actually see the sea. Urm, the Causeway that one. And also the Causeway, PLUS, Johore Bahru!
The view is SUPER fantastic la. *Drools*
I was late for the interview. No thanks to Mr Tan. That kuku. If there's someone who can beat me at being late, it's him. Cows. Can you believe I arrived half an hour late for my interview? Your fault k. Don't deny it. Bleah.
I'm so sorry. I got lost in Woodlands. I'm so not a Woodlands person. Bah.
And my uncle won FIRST PRIZE in 4D. So we got a seafood treat today at East Coast. Muahahaha. But the food is not super fantastic la. Besides, I was too excited about the baby to eat.
Baby and me! Posted by Hello
He's the sweetest little baby around!! He doesn't throw tantrums, doesn't cry, laughs alot and doesn't cry when strangers (namely, me) carry him. Cute right!
I've missed about 3 weddings this year. The first one because I was busy mugging for exams, the second one because it was too far (in Penang or something) and the third one also because I went mugging for exams.
What the. Sigh~ I hope I don't retribution. *Cross fingers*
I can't wait for Madagascar and Mr & Mrs Smith and also Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Oh man! So many good shows coming up.
Oh yes, in case you haven't noticed, I changed my blogskin. It takes a while to load. So be patient. Like as if it's of any use to say this here. Wahahaha.
I'm off.

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