Thursday, November 17, 2005

Dream boots Part 1 Posted by Picasa Dream boots Part 2 Posted by Picasa Hmmm. I think Dream Boots 2 is nicer. *dreams* But I like the ribbons on Dream Boots 1. I can only dream. Boohoohoo. At least until I find a job. Note to self: Call Recruit SlowExpress and blody ask them what's going on. I want to watch! Posted by Picasa I seriously want to watch Harry Potter. Like soon. But. Asked Zhenting, but her brother coming back from Taiwan today. So cannot. Karen's not interested. Shuling will probably watch it with her darling. Shuan's having exams. Mr Tan is having exams. Mr Wen Yao is having exams. Boohoohoo. Who can watch Harry Potter with me? Who who who? I think I need retail therapy again. Been feeling a little down. I think I've been sitting around too much. Life is beginning to feel meaningless. Like.. What am I living for? I need to get a job. I need to feel useful. Plus I need the dosh. Oh god. It's such a vicious cycle. I feel depressed. I go for retail therapy. I get broke. I find a job. I feel tired. I quit. I have nothing to do. I feel depressed. I go for retail therapy. I get broke. I find a job. I feel tired. I quit. I have nothing to do. I feel depressed. See what I mean. It's a HUGE and VERY vicious cycle. Sitting around doing nothing is just not my cup of tea. Unless I have friends who also sit around doing nothing. Then I have company. And maybe not feel so depressed. Also. Having lots of extra dosh would be good too. Then I can keep going out for retail therapy. I have a chronic condition that requires expensive treatments. I feel so inadequate. I'm not rich and I'm not pretty. Why is God so unfair? Some people get it all. Good looks, a huge trust fund and not to mention, the smarts. Even though the beauty is alleged to have been man-made, but that's not my point. The point here is, if you have the money, you can at least make yourself look prettier. In my honest opinion, she looked pretty even before the alleged plastic surgery. Just a different kind of pretty. Like a girl-next-door pretty. Now she just has this usual pan-Asian look. Of course, one can argue, "You look fine just the way you are" and "Be thankful that you have what you have". Well, one is allowed to dream, no? If I had the dosh, I'd go for rhinoplasty. I think my nose is not pronounced enough. See what I mean. My nose bridge, or the lack of, between my eyes, is NOT PRONOUNCED ENOUGH. It irks me. Because it makes my profile look erm, flat. Posted by Picasa And, my nostrils are too flared. I forgot the term for it. I'm fine with my eyes. If only I didn't have -10.0 power. That's a frikking 1000degrees. Not in total. It's on EACH side. I would opt for LASIK. If only it wasn't so darned expensive. And if I had the guts to lie down on the doctor's chair and stare at the red blinking light. About boobs, I don't think I fancy the idea of squeezing silicon bags under my breasts, so let's just skip that, and I should be happy that my chest doesn't have the excess baggage. Oh, and on top of the fact that I actually want to breastfeed my child next time. Oh god. I suddenly feel so ugly. I should move to Korea or something. I heard they have a street that is concentrated with plastic surgeons, clinics, hospitals and all that. It must be real cheap there. And while I'm at it, I should get collagen pumped into my lips too. You know, for that Angelina Jolie-worthy pout. Oh oh oh, and get dermabrasion to get rid of bumpy skin, scars, pimples, blah blah. Hmmm. You know what. This entry doesn't feel like me. Except for the "I really want to watch Harry Potter part." Actually I'm really contented with myself. I love my eyes, my eyebrows are perfect (a makeup artist once said I have perfect brows, so there!), my nose is getting more pronounced as I grow older ( *gasp* imagine how flat my nose was in my younger years!), and actually a "rou-rou" (erm, fleshy) nose is a sign of a prosperous life in future. Oh and and and, a face-reader said my chin is a "wang fu" chin. Meaning I will bring wealth, prosperity and all the good stuff to my husband. So, who wants to marry me? I'm just joking! About the "who wants to marry me?" part. And while I'm at my chin, I must say, I love my chin. I fell twice on my chin when I was young and so, I have a flat chin. I reckon it must have been sharp when I was young. But two traumatic accidents later, voila! It is now flat and nice. Love my high cheekbones too. Gives more ooomph! to my facial expressions. Hee. Ok la, actually I love everything about myself. My legs, my arms, my fingers, my toes, my figurebody shape (a bit boyish but easy to find clothes), my neck, my collarbones, wrinkle-less face, etc etc. So in conclusion, I probably won't do all the above procedures that I've just mentioned. Whahahahahaha. Except maybe for LASIK. You know, just for the convenience of not having to wear spectacles and contact lens anymore! Therefore! I should stop feeling sorry for myself! And live life to the fullest! Or at least try to! And erm, BE CONTENTED. Be damn grateful I don't look like them. Posted by Picasa Count my blessings that the Big Guy up there loves me enough to give me what I have. This. Posted by Picasa Spread the love! Christmas is coming! I love Christmas! Don't mind me. I'm just trying to cheer myself up. I shall go rummage for food in the kitchen now. Ja! Edited: What a frikking shallow entry. Believe me, I'm not usually like that. Just a bout of insecurity attack. I'm actually very self-dependent, will work hard to achieve what I want, am totally in love with myself and am appreciative of what I have.

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